1. Where do you see yourself in 5 years from now?
2. Where do you see yourself in 20 years from now?
3. When do you want to retire?
4. How much do you want to make a year?
5. How much can you live off of each year?
6. What area do you want to work as a massage therapist (Chiropractic, Health club, Spa, Private practice, others...)?
7. How many clients do you want to massage a week?
8. What days do you want to work?
9. How many hours do you want to work a day?
10. Do you need Health Insurance?
11. Do you need Liability Insurance?
12. Do you need to start a retirement account?
13. Do you want to work for yourself?
14. Do you want to work for someone else?
15. Do you like marketing?
16. Do you like dealing with numbers?
17. Do you have a lawyer or can you get one at a reasonable rate?
18. Do you have an accountant already?
19. Would you like to have a franchise?
20. Do you want to do what you are doing right now for the rest of your working career?
21. Do you work well with others?
22. Are you detailed or unorganized?
23. Are you neat or messy?
24. How are you customer service skills?
25. Could you sell something to someone that they don't even need it?
26. Are you good with computers?
27. What do you sound like when you talk on the phone?
28. Are you good at keeping promises?
29. Do you give too much advice?
30. What was your best job?
31. What was your worst job?
32. How many times a year do you get a bounced check?
33. Does your family always come before your work?
34. Would you work with family members?
35. Can you go up to a stranger and strike up a conversation?
36. Would you give too many discounts?
37. Would you give your current friends (or family members) free or discounted massages?
38. Would you be willing to give away free gift certificates to fund raisers?
39. Would you be willing to give free chair massages to perspective clients?
40. Are you aware of your own needs and desires?
41. Are you in this profession for helping people or for making money?
42. Can you still feel good about yourself and your work without positive feedback?
43. Would you expect tips?
44. Are you considered a Caregiver?
45. Do you make time for yourself each day?
46. Would clients trigger feelings in you?
47. Do you find yourself giving your advice when someone hasn't asked for it?
48. Do you often find yourself telling clients to stretch, eat better, take better care of themselves and realize that you don't do that for yourself?
49. Do you get bored easy?
50. Do you tell your acquaintances your problems?
51. Do you often feel you are the only one who can help people?
52. Do you feel like there is competition among massage therapists?
53. Do you often feel a need to have an answer for every question that people ask you?
54. Do you feel uncomfortable when a someone is emotional?
55. Do you believe that everyone can be healed from whatever disease, problem, or injury they have?
56. Do you have separation anxiety when you are not around your friends or relatives?
57. Could you refer a client to another massage therapist if you can’t help them?
58. Could you refer a client to Doctor or Chiropractor?
59. How do you deal with negative people?
60. How do you deal with people that are too happy?
61. How do you deal with people that are depressed?
62. How do you deal with people that have too much energy?
63. How would you feel if your job is really slow?
64. How would you feel if your job is really busy?
65. Could you recommend a client to come back on a regular basis?
66. Can you easily mimic another person’s personality?
67. If someone likes you and you don’t like them; how do you deal with it?
68. Why do you want to be a massage therapist?
69. How would you feel if a client gave you change as a tip?
70. What would you do if a client gave you $100 tip?
71. What would you wear to your job?
72. Would you greet a client outside of the office?
73. Would it appropriate to engage in personal conversation?
74. Would you go to lunch with a client of a different sex or the same sex?
75. Would you totally listen to your client and set your issues and needs aside?
76. Would you date a client?
77. Would you engage in an intimate (sexual) relationship with a client?
78. Would you have the client fill out a health form (Even if you didn’t have to)?
79. Would you ask a client about a medication they are on, if you didn’t know what it is for?
80. Do you forget people’s names easily?
81. What would your treatments be like if you did them for free?
82. Would you charge more when you are performing an injury treatment and billing an insurance company?
83. Do you give tips to waiters or waitresses?
84. If you received a massage from another therapist and you didn’t like it; would you still tip him/her?
85. Would you go to other social functions if a client invites you?
86. Do you sent too much time on a certain part of the body when you give a massage?
87. Could you tell a client that it would be better if they don’t come back?
88. If you were having a bad day; would that affect your massages?
89. Can you be an actress or actor at the drop of a dime?
90. Do you wear your feelings on your shirt?
91. When you go to someone’s house; do you comment on their furnishings?