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Do not give massages too late; you will be more likely to get weird phone calls if they know you are open late.
If you have sexual feelings for a client, stop giving them massages at your place of business.
Do only house calls to people you know and to respectable hotels. Let someone know when you will be done.
Do not display your insurance certificate on the wall.
Prevent straying strokes. When working areas such as the medial thigh, gluteal tuberosity, the sacrum, or the subclavicular area, strokes must not stray, even accidentally. The slightest slip in these areas would be invasive and inappropriate, and they could give the client the wrong message about your intentions.
Session Termination Procedure is something you need to comply with when a client goes over your boundaries.
Leave the massage room immediately if you feel uncomfortable.
Explain to the client to get dress and leave your clinic immediately.
Notify the client of the session termination in writing.


  • Have caller I.D.
  • Ask for a phone number when someone calls for an appointment.
  • Tell the first time client that you will call a day before the appointment to verify it.
  • When a client is looking for more than a massage, nine out of ten times the number that the client gives you will be wrong.
  • It all depends on the therapist, but you can still charge the client the full amount if they break your boundaries.
  • Have the client leave the premises if you feel uncomfortable.
  • Document the session termination in writing and keep in their file.
  • Inform the authorities if it was severe or you felt violated.
  • If you want, you can inform other therapists about the incident.

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