
* = In the foot
1. Abductor Digiti Minimi Manus (ab-DUCK-tur DIH-jih-tee MIN-ih-mee MAN-us) - Lead away, digits, smallest and hand
2. Abductor Digiti Minimi Pedis* (ab-DUCK-tur DIH-jih-tee MIN-ih-mee PEE-dis) - Lead away, digits, smallest and foot
3. Abductor Hallucis* (ab-DUCK-tur HAL-uh-siss) - Lead away and big toe
4. Abductor Pollicis Brevis (ab-DUCK-tur POLL-is-iss BREV-us) - Lead away, thumb and short
5. Abductor Pollicis Longus (ab-DUCK-tur POLL-is-iss LONG-us) - Lead away, thumb and long
6. Adductor Brevis (ad-DUCK-tur BREV-us) - Lead towards and short
7. Adductor Hallucis* (ad-DUCK-tur HAL-uh-siss) - Lead towards an big toe
8. Adductor Longus (ad-DUCK-tur LONG-us) - Lead towards and long
9. Adductor Magnus (ad-DUCK-tur MAG-nus) - Lead towards and great
10. Adductor Pollicis (ad-DUCK-tur POLL-is-iss) - Lead towards and thumb
11. Anconeus (an-KO-nee-us) - Elbow
12. Auricularis (aw-RIK-u-lar-iss) - Belonging to the ear
13. Auricularis Posterior (aw-RIK-u-lar-iss) - Belonging to the ear
14. Auricularis Superior (aw-RIK-u-lar-iss) - Belonging to the ear
15. Biceps Brachii (BI-seps BRAY-kee-eye) - Two heads and of the arm
16. Biceps Femoris (BI-seps FEM-or-iss) - Two headed and thigh
17. Brachialis (BRAY-kee-AL-iss) - Arm
18. Brachioradialis (BRAY-kee-oh-RAY-dee-AL-iss) - Arm and radius
19. Buccinator (BUK-sin-ate-or) - Trumpeter
20. Bulbospongiosus (BUL-bo-SPON-jee-oh-sus) - Bulb and spongy
21. Coccygeus (kok-SIH-jee-us) - Coccyx
22. Coracobrachialis (KORE-a-koe-BRAY-kee-AL-iss) - Crows beak of the arm
23. Corrugator Supercilii (kor-U-GA-tor su-per-SIL-ee-eye) - Wrinkle the eye brow
24. Cremaster (KREE-mast-er) - Suspender
25. Deep Transverse Perineals (pair-i-NEE-als) - Crossing and defecate
26. Deltoid (DEL-toyd) - Triangular
27. Depressor Anguli Oris (de-PRESS-or ANG-you-il OR-iss) - Press down the corner of the mouth
28. Depressor Labii Inferioris (de-PRESS-or LAY-bee-eye in-FEAR-ee-or-iss) - Press down the lip
29. Diaphragm (DYE-ah-fram) - Partition or wall
30. Digastric (dye-GAS-trik) - Two bellies
31. Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis (ex-STEN-sur KAR-pee RAY-dee-AL-iss BREV-us) - Stretches, wrist, radial and short
32. Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus (ex-STEN-sur KAR-pee- RAY-dee-AL-iss LONG-us) - Stretches, wrist, radius and long
33. Extensor Carpi Ulnaris (ex-STEN-sur KAR-pee ul-NAR-iss) - Stretches, wrist, and ulna
34. Extensor Digiti Minimi (ex-STEN-sur DIH-jih-tee MIN-ih-mee) - Stretches, digits and smallest
35. Extensor Digitorum (ex-STEN-sur DIH-jih-TOR-um) - Stretches, digits
36. Extensor Digitorum Brevis* (ex-STEN-sur DIH-jih-TOR-um BREV-us) - Stretch, digits and short
37. Extensor Digitorum Longus* (ex-STEN-sur DIH-jih-TOR-um LONG-us) - Stretches, digits and long
38. Extensor Hallucis Longus* (ex-STEN-sur HAL-uh-iss LONG-us) - Stretches, big toe and long
39. Extensor Indicis (ex-STEN-sur IN-dih-siss) - Stretches and index finger
40. Extensor Pollicis Brevis (ex-STEN-sur POLL-is-iss BREV-us ) - Stretches, thumb, and short
41. Extensor Pollicis Longus (ex-STEN-sur POLL-is-iss LONG-us) - Stretches, thumb and long
42. External Abdominal Oblique (ab-DAHM-in-al oh-BLEEK) - Abdomen and slant
43. External Intercostals (inter-KOS-talz) - Between ribs
44. External Sphincter Ani (SFINK-tur AIN-eye) - Band and anus
45. Fibularis (Peroneus) Brevis (fib-you-LAR-iss BREV-us) - Related to fibula and smaller
46. Fibularis (Peroneus) Longus (fib-you-LAR-iss LONG-us) - Related to fibula and long
47. Fibularis (Peroneus) Tertius (fib-you-LAR-iss TER-she-us) - Related to fibula and third
48. Flexor Carpi Radialis (FLEXS-or KAR-pee- RAY-dee-AL-iss) - Bend, wrist and radius
49. Flexor Carpi Ulnaris (FLEXS-or KAR-pee- ul-NAR-iss) - Bend, wrist and ulna
50. Flexor Digiti Minimi Manus (FLEXS-or DIH-jih-tee MIN-ih-mee MAN-us) - Bend, digits, smallest and hand
51. Flexor Digiti Minimi Pedis* (FLEKS-or DIH-jih-tee MIN-ih-mee PEE-dis) - Bend, digits, smallest and foot
52. Flexor Digitorum Brevis* (FLEKS-or DIH-jih-TOR-um BREV-us) - Bend, digits and short
53. Flexor Digitorum Longus* (FLEKS-or DIH-jih-TOR-um LONG-us) - Bend, digits and long
54. Flexor Digitorum Profundus (FLEKS-or DIH-jih-TOR-um pro-FUND-us) - Bend, digits and deep
55. Flexor Digitorum Superficialis (FLEKS-or DIH-jih-TOR-um SOO-per-fish-ee-AL-us) - Bend, digits and top of surface
56. Flexor Hallucis Brevis* (FLEKS-or HAL-uh-siss BREV-us) - Bend, big toe and short
57. Flexor Hallucis Longus* (FLEKS-or HAL-uh-siss LONG-us) - Bend, big toe and long
58. Flexor Pollicis Brevis (FLEXS-or POLL-is-iss BREV-us) - Bends, thumb and short
59. Flexor Pollicis Longus (FLEKS-or POLL-is-iss LONG-us) - Bend, thumb and long
60. Gastrocnemius (GAS-trok-NEEM-ee-us) - Belly and shin
61. Gemellus Inferior (JEM-ell-us) - Twin
62. Gemellus Superior (JEM-ell-us) - Twin
63. Geniohyoid (JEEN-ee-oh-HY-oyd) - Chin and u shaped
64. Gluteus Maximus (GLUE-tee-us MAX-uh-mus) - Buttocks
65. Gluteus Medius (GLUE-tee-us MEED-ee-us) - Buttocks
66. Gluteus Minimus (GLUE-tee-us MIN-ih-mus) - Buttocks
67. Gracilis (gra-SIL-iss) - Slender
68. Iliacus (ILL-ee-AK-us) - Hip
69. Iliocostalis Cervicis (ILL-ee-oh-kos-TAL-iss SIR-vih-siss) - Connecting to ilium and neck
70. Iliocostalis Lumborum (ILL-ee-oh-kos-TAL-iss lum-BOR-um) - Connecting to ilium and lumbar
71. Iliocostalis Thoracis (ILL-ee-oh-kos-TAL-iss thor-AH-siss) - Connecting to ilium and chest
72. Infraspinatus (in-fra-spy-NAH-tus) - Below the spine of the scapula
73. Internal Abdominal Oblique (ab-DAHM-in-al oh-BLEEK) - Abdomen and slant
74. Internal Intercostals (inter-KOS-talz) - Between ribs
75. Interossei Dorsales Manus (INT-er-OSS-ee-y door-SAL-es MAN-us) - Between bones, back and hand
76. Interossei Dorsales Pedis* (INT-er-OSS-ee-eye door-SAL-es PEE-dis) - Between bones, near back and foot
77. Interossei Palmares (INT-er-OSS-ee-y pal-MAR-es) - Between bones and palm
78. Interossei Plantares* (INT-er-OSS-ee-eye plan-TAR-es) - Between bones and sole of foot
79. Interspinalis cervicis (inter-spy-NAL-eez SIRivih-siss) - Between spine and neck
80. Interspinalis lumborum (inter-spy-NAL-eez lum-BOR-um) - Between spine and loins
81. Interspinalis Thoracis (inter-spy-NAL-eez thor-AH-siss) - Between spine and thorax
82. Intertransversarii Cervicis (INTER-TRANS-ver-SAIR-ee-ee SIRivih-siss) - Between transverse vertebrae and neck
83. Intertransversarii Lumborum (INTER-TRANS-ver-SAIR-ee-ee lum-BOR-um) - Between transverse vertebrae and loins
84. Intertransversarii Thoracis (INTER-TRANS-ver-SAIR-ee-ee thor-AH-siss) - Between transverse vertebrae and thorax
85. Ischiocavernosus (ISS-she-oh-KAV-em-oh-sus) – Hip and cavern like
86. Lateral Pterygoid (TER-ih-goyd) - Wing shaped
87. Latissimus Dorsi (la-TISS-ih-mus DOR-see) - Widest and back
88. Levator Anguli Oris (le-VAY-tor ANG-you-li OR-iss) - Raises the corner of the mouth
89. Levator ANi (le-VAY-tor AIN-eye) - Raise and anus
90. Levator Labii Superioris (le-VAY-tor LAY-bee-eye su-PEER-ee-OR-is) - Raise and lip
91. Levator Labii Superioris alaeque nasi (le-VAY-tor LAY-bee-eye su-PEER-ee-OR-is AL-ek-wee NAY-see) - Raise the lip & wing of the nose
92. Levator Scapulae (le-VAY-tor SKAP-you-lee) - Elevate the scapula
93. Longissimus Capitis (lon-GISS-ih-mus KAP-ih-tiss) - Longest and head
94. Longissimus Cervicis (lon-GISS-ih-mus SIR-vih-siss) - Longest and neck
95. Longissimus Thoracis (lon-GISS-ih-mus thor-AH-siss) - Longest and thorax
96. Longus Capitis (LONG-us KAP-ih-tiss) - Long and head
97. Longus Colli (LONG-us KOAL-ee) - Long and neck
98. Lumbricales Manus (LUM-brih-kal-es MAN-us) - Earthworm and hand
99. Lumbricales Pedis* (LUM-brih-kal-es PEE-dis) - Earthworms and foot
100. Masseter (MAS-sit-er) - Chew
101. Medial Pterygoid (TER-ih-goyd) - Wing shaped
102. Mentalis (men-TAL-iss) - Chin
103. Multifidus (mul-tih-FYE-dus) - Many split parts
104. Mylohyoid (MY-lo-HY-oyd) - Molar and U shaped
105. Nasalis (nay-SAL-iss) - Nose
106. Obliquus Capitis Inferior (oh-BLI-kwus KAP-ih-tiss) - Slanting and head
107. Obliquus Capitis Superior (oh-BLI-kwus KAP-ih-tiss) - Slanting and head
108. Obturator Externus (OB-tur-ATE-or ex-STIR-nus) - One that covers an opening
109. Obturator Internus (OB-tur-ATE-or in-TER-nus) - One that covers an opening
110. Occipitofrontalis (ok-SIP-ih-toe-fron-TAL-iss) - Back of head & forehead
111. Omohyoid (STERN-oh-THY-royd) - Shoulder and U shaped
112. Opponens Digiti Minimi (oh-PONE-ens DIH-jih-tee MIN-ih-mee) - Opposing, digits and smallest
113. Opponens Pollicis (oh-PONE-ens POLLis-iss) - Opposing and thumb
114. Orbicularis Oculi (or-BIK-you-LAR-iss OK-you-li) - Small disk belonging to the ear
115. Orbicularis Oris (or-BIK-you-LAR-iss OR-iss) - Small disk belonging to the mouth
116. Palmaris Longus (pal-MAR-iss LONG-us) - Palm and long
117. Pectineus (PEK-tih-NEE-us) - Pubic bone
118. Pectoralis Major (PEK-tor-al-iss) - Chest
119. Pectoralis Minor (PEK-tor-al-iss) - Chest
120. Piriformis (PEER-ih-FOR-miss) - Pear shaped
121. Plantaris (plan-TAR-iss) - Sole of foot
122. Platysma (PLAH-tiz-ma) - Flat plate
123. Popliteus (pop-LIT-ee-us) - Hollow of knee
124. Procerus (pro-SEHR-us) - Tall
125. Pronator Quadratus (PRO-nay-tor kwad-RATE-us) - Causes pronation and square shaped
126. Pronator Teres (PRO-nay-tor TER-eez) - Causes pronation and round/smooth
127. Psoas Major (SO-as) - Loins
128. Psoas Minor (SO-as) - Loins
129. Pyramidalis (peer-AM-id-al-iss) - Pyramid shaped
130. Quadratus Femoris (kwad-RATE-us FEM-or-iss) - Square shape and relates to the thigh
131. Quadratus Lumborum (kwad-RATE-us lum-BOR-um) - Square shaped and loins
132. Quadratus Plantae* (kwad-RATE-us PLAN-tie) - Square shaped and sole of foot
133. Rectus Abdominis (REK-tus ab-DAHM-in-iss) - Straight and abdomen
134. Rectus Capitis Posterior Major (REK-tus KAP-ih-tiss) - Straight and head
135. Rectus Capitis Posterior Minor (REK-tus KAP-ih-tiss) - Straight and head
136. Rectus Femoris (REK-tus FEM-or-iss) - Straight and relates to the thigh
137. Rhomboideus Major (rom-BOYD-ee-us) - Diamond shaped
138. Rhomboideus Minor (rom-BOYD-ee-us) - Diamond shaped
139. Risorius (rih-ZOR-ee-us) - Causes one to laugh
140. Rotatores (ro-TA-to-reez) - One that rotates
141. Sartorius (sar-TOR-ee-us) - Tailor
142. Scalenus Anterior (skay-LEE-nus) - Triangular with unequal sides
143. Scalenus Medius (skay-LEE-nus) - Triangular with unequal sides
144. Scalenus Posterior (skay-LEE-nus) - Triangular with unequal sides
145. Semimembranosus (SEM-ee-MEM-bran-oh-sus) - Half membrane
146. Semispinalis Capitis (sem-ee-spy-NAL-us KAP-ih-tiss) - Half spine and head
147. Semispinalis Cervicis (sem-ee-spy-NAL-us SIR-vih-siss) - Half spine and neck
148. Semispinalis Thoracis (sem-ee-spy-NAL-us thor-AH-siss) - Half spine and chest
149. Semitendinosus (SEM-ee-TEN-din-oh-sus) - Half tendon
150. Serratus Anterior (suhr-RATE-us) - Saw like
151. Serratus Posterior Inferior (suhr-RATE-us) - Saw like
152. Serratus Posterior Superior (suhr-RATE-us) - Saw like
153. Soleus (SOL-ee-us) - Sole of foot
154. Spinalis Capitis (spy-NAL-iss KAP-ih-tiss) - Spine and head
155. Spinalis Cervicis (spy-NAL-iss SIR-vih-siss) - Spine and neck
156. Spinalis Thoracis (spy-NAL-iss thor-AH-siss) - Spine and chest
157. Splenius Capitis (SPLEEN-ee-us KAP-ih-tiss) - Bandage and head
158. Splenius Cervicis (SPLEEN-ee-us SIR-vih-siss) - Bandage and neck
159. Sternocleidomastoid (STER-no-CLY-do-mas-toyd) - Connecting to sternum, clavicle and mastoid process
160. Sternohyoid (STERN-oh-HY-oyd) - Chest and U shaped
161. Sternothyroid (STERN-oh-THY-royd) - Chest and shield shaped
162. Stylohyoid (STY-low-HY-oyd) - Pen and U shaped
163. Subclavius (sub-KLAVE-ee-us) - Below the clavicle
164. Subscapularis (sub-SKAP-you-LAR-iss) - Under the shoulder blade
165. Supinator (SOOP-in-ATE-or) - Causes supination
166. Supraspinatus (SOO-prah-spy-NAH-tus) - Above the spine of the scapula
167. Temporalis (TEMP-OR-al-ISS) - Temple of head
168. Tensor Fasciae Latae (TEN-sore FAH-she-a LAT-uh) - One that stretches and wide bandage
169. Teres Major (TER-eze) - Smooth and round
170. Teres Minor (TER-eze) - Smooth and round
171. Thyrohyoid (THY-ro-HY-oyd) - Shield shaped and U shaped
172. Tibialis Anterior (TIB-ee-AL-iss) - Related to shin bone
173. Tibialis Posterior (TIB-ee-AL-iss) - Related to shin bone
174. Transversus Abdominis (Trans-VER-sus ab-DAHM-in-iss) - Lying crosswise and abdomen
175. Transversus Thoracis (Trans-VER-sus thor-AH-siss) - Lying crosswise and chest
176. Trapezius (TRA-PEE-zee-us) - Figure with 4 unequal sidoes
177. Triceps Brachii (TRY-seps BRAY-kee-eye) - Three heads and of the arm
178. Vastus Intermedius (VAS-tus inter-MEE-dee-us) - Large
179. Vastus Lateralis (VAS-tus LAT-ter-al-us) - Large
180. Vastus Medialis (VAS-tus MEE-dee-al-us) - Large
181. Zygomaticus Major (ZYE-go-MAT-ik-us) - Connected to the connector
182. Zygomaticus Minor (ZYE-go-MAT-ik-us) - Connected to the connector
1. Abdomen – Belly
2. Abductus – Led away
3. Adductus – Brought toward
4. Ante – Before
5. Anconeal – Elbow
6. Bi – Twice
7. Bracchium – Arm
8. Brachia – Arm
9. Brevis – Brief
10. Buccinator – Trumpeter
11. Cranium – Skull
12. Corrugator – Wrinkle
13. Caput – Head
14. Cervicalis – Neck
15. Carpi – Wrist
16. Cleido – Clavicle
17. Colli – Collar
18. Costae – Rib
19. Costals – Rib
20. Coraco – Coracoid process
21. Delta – Triangular Shaped
22. Diaphragma – A partition
23. Digastric – Two bellies
24. Digitus – Finger or toe
25. Dorsum – Back
26. Epi – Above
27. Extensio – Extend
28. Exturnus – Outside
29. Fascia – Band
30. Femoralis – Femur
31. Fidus – To split
32. Flexus – Bent
33. Forma – Shape
34. Frons – Brow or Frontal bone
35. Gaster – Belly
36. Gemellus – Twin
37. Gloutos – Buttock
38. Gracilis – Slender
39. Glosso – Tongue
40. Hallex – Large toe
41. Iliacus – Ilium
42. Ilium – Flank
43. Indices – Fore finger
44. Inferus – Beneath
45. Infra – Beneath
46. Inter – Internal
47. Internus – Within
48. Karpos – Wrist
49. Kneme – Leg
50. Korax – Crow’s beak
51. Labii – Lip
52. Lata – Broad
53. Latae – Wide
54. Lateralis – Toward the side
55. Latus – Broad
56. Levator – Lifter
57. Longus – Long
58. Lumbus – Loins
59. Magnum – Large
60. Major – Larger
61. Masseter – Chewer
62. Mastos – Mastoid process
63. Maximus – Greatest
64. Medialis – Toward the midline
65. Medius – Middle
66. Membrana – Membrane
67. Minimum – Least
68. Minor – Smaller
69. Multus – Many
70. Obliquus – Slant
71. Oblique – Diagonal to midline
72. Obturare – Obstructed
73. Occipitalis – Back of head
74. Oculus – Eye
75. Opponens – Opposing
76. Palpebrae – Eyelid
77. Palma – Hand
78. Peri – Around
79. Pecten – Comb
80. Pectoralis – Chest
81. Perone – Pin
82. Pirum – Pear
83. Planta – Sole
84. Platysma – Plate or Flat / broad
85. Pollex – Thumb
86. Posterus – Behind
87. Profundus – Deep
88. Pronus – Downward
89. Psoa – Muscle of loin
90. Pterygodes – A Wing
91. Quadratus – Four Sided
92. Radialis – Spoke of a wheel
93. Rectus – Straight
94. Rhombos – All sides even
95. Rotare – To turn
96. Sartor – Tailor
97. Scapulae – Shoulder blade
98. Semis – Half
99. Serratus – Jagged like a saw
100. Skalenos – Uneven
101. Solea – Sole of foot
102. Spinatus – Spine
103. Splenion – Splint or Bandage
104. Steron – Sternum
105. Sub – Below
106. Superficialis – Toward surface
107. Superus – Upper
108. Supinatus – Bent Backwards
109. Temporalis – Temporal bone
110. Tendinosus – Tendinous
111. Tensor – Stretching
112. Teres – Round
113. Tibialis – Shinbone
114. Transversus – Lying across
115. Trapezoeides – Table like
116. Ulna – Elbow
117. Vastus – Immense
118. Vertex – Whirlwind
119. Zygotos – To Connect